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Studying for the UK Amateur Radio Foundation Licence is an exciting journey that opens the door to the world of amateur radio. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare effectively:

1. Understand the Exam Structure

The Foundation Licence exam is a multiple-choice test that covers basic radio theory, operating practices, and regulations. It typically consists of 26 questions, and you need to score at least 19 correct answers to pass.

2. Study Resources


  • “Foundation Licence Manual” by the RSGB: This is the official study guide provided by the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB). It covers all the topics included in the syllabus.
  • “Foundation Licence Now!” by Alan Betts (G0HIQ): Another excellent guide that simplifies complex concepts and provides practical insights.

Online Courses and Materials:

  • RSGB Online Course: The RSGB offers an online course that includes study materials, practice exams, and other resources.
  • Ham Train by Essex Ham: A free, online training course that covers the Foundation syllabus with video tutorials, quizzes, and study notes.

Practice Exams:

  • RSGB Practice Papers: Available on the RSGB website, these mock exams help you get familiar with the exam format and types of questions.
  • Ham Train Practice Tests: Essex Ham also provides practice tests that simulate the actual exam conditions.

3. Key Topics to Study

Licensing Conditions and Operating Practices:

  • Understanding your responsibilities as a licence holder.
  • Call signs and how to use them.
  • Basic operating procedures, including calling CQ and making a QSO (contact).

Technical Basics:

  • Basic electrical principles (Ohm’s Law, voltage, current, resistance).
  • Understanding simple circuits and components (resistors, capacitors, inductors).

Transmitters and Receivers:

  • How a radio transmits and receives signals.
  • Basic understanding of modulation (AM, FM, SSB).

Feeders and Antennas:

  • Types of antennas (dipole, vertical, beam).
  • Importance of feeders (coaxial cables) and their characteristics.


  • Basics of how radio waves travel.
  • Factors affecting signal propagation (time of day, solar activity).

EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility):

  • Understanding interference and how to prevent it.
  • Safety measures to ensure proper station setup.


  • Electrical safety (handling equipment, avoiding electrical hazards).
  • RF safety (understanding exposure limits and how to minimize risks).

4. Practical Aspects

  • Hands-on Practice: If possible, get some practical experience with amateur radio equipment. Join a local amateur radio club where experienced hams can mentor you.
  • On-Air Practice: Listen to amateur radio frequencies to get a feel for how operators communicate.

5. Join a Study Group

Joining a local amateur radio club or an online study group can be incredibly beneficial. Interacting with fellow candidates and experienced hams provides support, motivation, and practical insights that can enhance your learning experience.

6. Exam Booking and Preparation

  • Booking the Exam: Exams are administered by the RSGB and can be taken online or at designated exam centers. Visit the RSGB website to find available dates and book your exam.
  • Pre-Exam Preparation: In the days leading up to the exam, review your notes, take practice exams, and focus on areas where you feel less confident.

7. Exam Day Tips

  • Read Questions Carefully: Ensure you understand what each question is asking before selecting your answer.
  • Time Management: You typically have 55 minutes to complete the exam, so pace yourself and allocate time to review your answers.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Keep a positive mindset, and remember that you’ve prepared well.

Studying for the UK Amateur Radio Foundation Licence is a rewarding process that sets the foundation for your journey in amateur radio. Utilize the resources available, engage with the community, and approach your studies systematically. With dedication and preparation, you’ll be well on your way to earning your Foundation Licence and joining the vibrant world of amateur radio.